If You’re a Senior – Doing This Can Lessen Your Chances of Health Problems


There’s a very basic message for anyone suffering from hearing loss: Use hearing aids.

Why? A recent study revealed that individuals who obtained hearing aids within three years of being diagnosed with hearing impairment were less likely to develop dementia, depression, anxiety, and hazardous falls than people who didn’t receive hearing aids. While these health issues aren’t proven to be prevented by hearing aids, fewer health issues have been connected to their use. Results from the study demonstrated that hearing aid users were 18% less likely to develop dementia, 11% less likely to develop depression or anxiety, and 13% less likely to suffer a serious fall.

Refrain From Making Excuses

It’s important to consider that regarding your health, these numbers might appear low but they’re still significant. Previous studies have revealed a correlation between hearing loss and other serious health issues, but this study proved it’s an ongoing, worsening problem. It’s important to note that many individuals diagnosed with hearing loss don’t bother buying hearing aids. Why not? For many, the lack of insurance coverage is a problem. And the expense might still be too high even for those who have insurance.

Others go through the motions, getting fitted for hearing aids and bringing them home only to let them sit in the case because wearing them seems like too much of an inconvenience. Many individuals don’t view hearing impairment as an important issue because they can turn the volume of the TV up to solve the problem.

While it may seem like hearing loss is inevitable as you get older, there’s more to it than that, and cranking up the volume is not the right solution.

The Value of Healthy Hearing

Obviously, a primary element of communication is the ability to hear. Without the ability to communicate effectively, you might not comprehend questions posed by your doctors or family. Consequently, communicating your concerns and symptoms will be difficult.

There are also some less obvious issues associated with poor communication. If attempting to have phone conversations leaves you feeling embarrassed and frustrated, you may start to lose touch with people in your support system. Not being able to hear may even result in less brain stimulus, and we all know that exercising your mind can help fend off dementia.

The Advantages of Hearing Aids

Buying a hearing aid isn’t only about extreme, long-term worries. Using a hearing aid will instantly improve your quality of life, as well as your long-term wellbeing. You will have a more satisfying social life and feel less isolated if you can hear and participate in conversations. You will reduce your anxiety even further when you are capable of accurately communicating your health issues with your doctor and understanding his advice for treatment.

Should I get hearing aids? If you have any of the following symptoms, the answer is yes:

  • Watching TV at extreme volume
  • Asking people to repeat what they said frequently
  • Background sound makes it tough to hear when somebody is talking to you
  • Keeping away from social interaction for fear you can’t follow conversations

These are only some of the symptoms that might indicate you should consider a hearing aid. If any of them sound familiar, ask us if a hearing aid may be the right option for you.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.