4 Reasons to Get Your Hearing Evaluated Regularly

An audiologists Otoscope placed on an Audiogram following a hearing test

Why is it essential to get your hearing examined on a regular basis? Well, the reality is that hearing loss can have significant and long-term impacts on your general health. Having your hearing assessed regularly can help you detect hearing loss early, get care sooner, and, improve your health, wellness, and quality of life.

Getting a hearing test – who should do it?

A loss in hearing ability can generate effects that can greatly hamper your health and wellness. For example, hearing loss can lead to intense social isolation. Talking with family and friends can become more challenging, and those with hearing loss may be less likely to reach out to other people, even during normal activities like grocery shopping or going to work. It might not be shocking that this kind of social isolation can lead to mental health issues, but it may come as a surprise to learn that it can be harmful to your physical health too.

Other health concerns can be the result of neglected hearing loss also. For example, neglected hearing loss has been associated with many chronic conditions, including cognitive decline and depression. Comorbidities, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease have also been linked to hearing loss.

As a result, it’s generally a good idea for just about anybody to schedule a routine hearing test.

Four reasons to check your hearing

There are four significant reasons why checking your hearing can be beneficial to your overall health.

1. You can identify the baseline for your healthy hearing

It might seem ridiculous to take a hearing test while your hearing is still healthy, right? Well, getting a hearing test early is a good plan for a number of reasons. The most significant is that a hearing exam will give us an accurate picture of your current hearing health. This will make it far easier to detect any changes in the future. This is particularly true because hearing loss tends to advance gradually, the first symptoms are not always apparent.

Getting a baseline hearing exam will help identify problems well before you observe them.

2. Diagnose and treat problems earlier

Hearing loss usually advances gradually over time. You’ll have a better prognosis, as a result, if you catch your hearing loss early. This is because you’re able to treat the condition at the earliest possible juncture.

Early treatment could include anything from taking steps to safeguard your hearing like using ear protection in loud settings to using hearing aids. Many of the associated problems like cognitive decline, social isolation, and depression can be avoided with early treatment.

3. It’s easier to assess future changes

Your hearing loss will keep progressing even after you get diagnosed. Regular hearing assessments can enable early detection and your treatment plan can be adjusted as needed.

4. You can avoid further damage to your ears

Most hearing loss is caused by damage, the kind of damage that occurs slowly and over time. Seeing us regularly to get your hearing assessed helps you detect that damage as early as possible, and it also gives you access to a significant resource: your hearing specialist. We can help you keep your hearing as healthy as possible by providing you with treatments, best practices, and information.

For instance, we can help you figure out ways to protect your ears from day-to-day damage or develop strategies designed to help you keep sounds around you quieter.

What should my hearing test routine look like?

Generally speaking, it’s recommended that adults get a hearing exam sometime in their 20s or 30s, on the earlier side. Unless we suggest more frequent visits or if you detect any hearing issues, at least every ten years will be the advised interval for hearing tests.

But maybe you’re thinking: what should I expect at my hearing exam? Hearing tests are generally completely non-invasive. Usually, you simply listen for some tones in a special set of headphones.

Whether you require some hearing protection or a new set of hearing aids, we will be able to help you with the best hearing care. And a hearing exam can help you determine when the best time to get your care might be.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.